
Thursday, April 20, 2017

Jonah's Birth Story

When I found out I was pregnant with Jonah I was excited (we had been trying for another baby) but I was also worried and a little sad. I was worried that Jack would be tossed to the side, I was worried about how he would feel, I was worried that he would be jealous, I was sad that he wouldn't be the baby anymore and that we wouldn't have that one on one time anymore. I remember picking Jack up out of his crib after naps and he would smile and say, "It's Jackson and Momma" and he'd give me hugs and kisses. I thought...will he still be this happy when it's Jackson, Momma, and Jonah?

As the months went by most of my fears went away and were replaced with excitement. My pregnancy with Jonah went smoothly...no complications. We were expecting him to come early since Jack came early...so when I reached 39 weeks and then 40 weeks I started getting very impatient, and slightly depressed, that he hadn't come yet. I was so ready! I kept having false labor...contractions would start up and then go away as soon as I laid down. So frustrating.

Three days after my due date I woke up to a different kind of contraction...something just felt different. I remember thinking..."Oh ya, I remember this feeling!" I told Adam not to go into work yet...to wait an hour or two to see if things progressed. Well, it wasn't consistent so he finally went to work. I labored throughout the day...sporadic contractions that were somewhat painful, but very manageable. I wasn't really sure I was in labor at this point but since the birth center was almost an hour away, traffic could be bad, and second babies can come faster I called Adam around 4-ish and told him to come home. We then decided to drive towards the birth center and have dinner in the area just in case. We went to the cheesecake factory and then walked around the mall a little bit. I'll always remember our "last date"...the look on the servers face when I said I might be in labor, stopping for contractions at the mall and trying to look nonchalant, laughing and just having a good time with Adam. We headed over to the birthing center around 9pm to get checked and see where things were. The midwife said I was 1 cm dilated but 100% effaced. I was upset at first but she said she'd rather me be further along effaced than dilated because my labor will progress quicker.

We went back to the birthing room and made ourselves comfortable..I got on the yoga ball and bounced around a little bit.

When the contractions were becoming more painful I decided to jump into the birthing tub. Thank God for that tub...it brought so much relief. I felt a little nauseous (darn that cheesecake) so the midwife brought out some peppermint eo and that really helped!

Things got pretty intense...much more intense than I was prepared for. At one point I looked down at the water and thought...I could just dunk my head under and drown, put myself out of this misery, lol. I also almost bit Adam's hand, ha! Then I thought...push Jonah back in, I'm done, don't want to do this, I'm going home. I am usually not a loud, vocal person but I sure did yell and scream towards the end. The only thing I can liken it to is a wild animal. Finally I decided to just push with all my might because that was the only way I'd get relief...to get this baby out! When he came out and I pulled him out of the water, my first thought was...this little thing...this tiny thing gave me all that trouble, lol! And then relief that it was over, and then of course love and happiness!

I told Adam that maybe we can adopt the next child because I don't ever want to do that again, lol. But I said the same thing after I had Jack. Now that I am 4 weeks out, I think I could do it again. :)

So my midwife was right...I did progress very quickly. I went in at 9pm and had Jonah at 11:52pm. I still can't believe it happened so fast...only 20-30 minutes of pushing. I was in labor for 27 hours with Jack and pushed for 3 hours...and still needed forceps. Such a drastic difference!

Everyone waiting out in the living room area! They kicked back on the couch thinking we'd be there for a while.

Jack was so concerned..."Momma's Crying!" He left shortly after...I didn't want him to see me like that. He's super sensitive.

Adam pouring warm water on my back...he was such a good doula! :)

This was about the time I almost bit Adam...and thought of drowning myself, lol.

So tiny!

When Jack came in, he patted me on the shoulder and said "Hey Momma" in a sweet little concerned voice. It's his way of checking to see if I'm ok. 

Jack grabbed a pillow and fell asleep after he saw Jonah.

Jonah was 8lbs 15 oz and 21 inches long...big boy! He is a sweetheart! 

Jack adores him. He gives him hugs and kisses all day long and wants to hold him. He gets me diapers and wipes for Jonah and picks out his clothes. He shares toys with him too. He's such a sweet big brother! I love being momma to these two boys! 

Now it's Jackson, Momma, and Jonah during the day...and Jack is still the 
happy little boy he's always been! <3