
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

32 weeks!! Quick Update!

So I don't have pictures for you this time but I will have some for the next post! We've been super busy the last few weeks so here's a quick update…

The New House

We are officially home-owners now, whoohoo!! We've been busy painting and unpacking. The only room that is fully unpacked right now is the kitchen…it's been a slow process this time around!! Jackson's room is maybe 75% done…can't wait to show you pics! I love it! We finally got our new living room furniture in this past weekend so that room is coming together now. We still have a long ways to go but we are getting there! We love our house though and love it more each day!

How I'm Feeling

I feel…very big, lol! I'm definitely waddling around now! I've gained over 30 pounds so far…yikes! Remember months back how I said I was getting weird stretch marks/rashes? Well I stopped rubbing coconut oil on my belly and it all went away within a few days so I've been stretch mark and rash free for months now! I guess I was allergic to the coconut oil or something. 

I've been really hungry and thirsty lately…and get tired very easily. Sometimes I feel like I need a nap at 9:00am! My ankles swell if I'm on my feet a lot and just walking from the car to my house makes me out of breath. My hips always feel out of joint (my doctor said probably because they are!) and I'm not always cold anymore…I feel normal and I don't have to bring sweaters everywhere, lol! I haven't had any Braxton Hicks contractions yet so I guess that's a good thing?? 

All in all I'm just really excited and can't wait to meet Jackson! I get really emotional when I think about his birth day! I cried when I saw the cake for him at my baby shower…felt like such a baby too! It's strange…the love that you can have for a child you've never seen! <3


Jackson is doing great and growing fast! He gets hiccups at least 3 times a day! He's a very active little boy but also very thoughtful…he doesn't keep me up at night and never kicks me in the ribs! :)

I've graduated to doctor appointments every 2 weeks now! I just had an appointment today and all is well. I had the last ultrasound before he comes and we got to see him moving around and opening his mouth. He likes to have his hands by his face because that's how he was today and also 6 weeks ago during the 4-d ultrasound. They said he was definitely a boy and that he was going to be big. He is already over 5 pounds and I have 8 more weeks to go…he will be over 9 pounds if I go full term! He is measuring a few weeks ahead of the average so he's going to be big and tall! He is positioned head down now and they think he will stay that way since he is big and his head will weigh him down. I was almost certain he was head down because I could feel it…lots of pressure when I'm on my feet a lot and I have to sit and walk a certain way otherwise it hurts…almost like I'm squishing his head. 

We also registered at the hospital today and took a tour…I definitely think we have the right doctor and hospital! They are very much on the same page as us and I'm very excited and relieved! I can't wait for Jackson to get here so I can love on him and kiss those chubby cheeks and pudgy little nose!!

That about sums up the last few weeks! I'd also like to say that I'm so glad that my mom and Eddie have decided to move to Texas to be closer to us! They have been a huge help already and it's so nice to have my mom close by! 

Stay tuned…the next post should have pics of Jackson's room! :)

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