
Monday, April 14, 2014

12 Weeks Pregnant!

Yesterday I made it to 12 weeks pregnant!! Whoo hoo! I can't believe how fast time is flying by! I just wanted to post a 12 week pic since I haven't posted a baby bump pic since week 6! I've grown a lot in 6 weeks...some people say that I look 4-5 months pregnant already...especially since this is my first pregnancy. At 7 weeks I remember thinking it was crazy that I was starting to show already and I even felt like the way I walked had changed...then when I found out I was having twins it all made sense! I've seen the biggest change in the last 2 weeks. After 10 weeks they started growing like crazy! So here I am at 12 weeks...with my first pair of maternity pants I recently purchased (love them, so comfy)!

I feel great! This pregnancy has been super easy so far! I've hardly had any morning sickness...as long as I eat every 3 hours or so. I really didn't experience any nauseousness at all until my tenth week...I had a few days of being slightly nauseous during that week...and yesterday I got really nauseous all of a sudden and realized I hadn't eaten for 4-5 hours. Other than that, no morning sickness! 

Some things I've been experiencing but had no idea they were associated with pregnancy until now...being bloated!! Apparently digestion slows down so my body can better absorb all the nutrients...resulting in me being bloated. Had no idea! Another thing...sore hips! I guess my hips are stretching and moving so it feels like I've been working out and I'm really sore. Ovary Cramping is another one I didn't know was a symptom...I've had that from the very beginning! The last few weeks I haven't noticed it as much. 

I've had lots of food cravings! First and foremost....pickles and more importantly-pickle juice! Mmmm...there's just something about it that I crave! This has been the past 2 weeks or so. I've also been craving fruit...pretty much throughout the whole pregnancy. Pears and melons to be exact...probably because of their high water content. I also craved red meat temporarily early on in my pregnancy...probably when my body was trying to get my blood volume up. Sweets, Olive Garden Salads, and cheese are a few others. I like to think of myself as a pretty disciplined person, but when it comes to these cravings...it's REALLY hard not to eat sweets! I started eating fruit when I would get these cravings and that seems to help temporarily! 

Oh, and one more thing...I think I might have felt Baby A doing flips recently. I felt it Saturday and Sunday this past weekend. The feeling is close to where we found Baby A during the ultrasound last week and since Baby A is measuring almost 2 weeks ahead...it's possible. It's a feeling I've never felt before and happened about 4 times Saturday, and twice Sunday. Both times I was on a walk. :) :) :)

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